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Successful use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
therapy in patients with 80% full thickness burns (2020)

Impact of an early mobilization protocol on outcomes in trauma
patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A retrospective pre-post study (2020)

Factors associated with organ donation by trauma patients in Nova Scotia (2020)

Data initiatives supporting critical care research and quality improvement in Canada: an environmental scan and narrative review (2020)
Research > Publications

Where to start? Injury prevention priority scores for traumatic injuries in Canada (2022)

Are outcomes worse in patients who develop post-intubation hypotension? (2022)

A population-based study on the epidemiology of firearm-related injury in Nova Scotia (2022)

The effect of legislation on firearm-related deaths in Canada: A systematic review (2022)

Mandatory gunshot wound reporting in Nova Scotia: A pre–post‑evaluation of firearm‑related injury rates (2022)

Comparison of clinical and anatomical criteria for resuscitative
endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) among major
trauma patients in Nova Scotia (2021)

The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severely burned patients: A survey of North American
burn centers (2021)

Long‑term trends in the epidemiology of major traumatic brain injury (2021)

Successful use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
therapy in patients with 80% full thickness burns (2020)

Impact of an early mobilization protocol on outcomes in trauma
patients admitted to the intensive care unit: A retrospective pre-post study (2020)

Factors associated with organ donation by trauma patients in Nova Scotia (2020)

Data initiatives supporting critical care research and quality improvement in Canada: an environmental scan and narrative review (2020)


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Jessula 2019-page-001.jpg

Lanteigne et al 2018-page-001.jpg

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Cameron 2018-page-001.jpg

Green 2018 Letter to editor RE postintubation hypotension-page-001.jpg

Tan 2018 Apneic oxygenation-page-001.jpg

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Green et al. 2018 ABLE Trauma-page-001.jpg

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Davis 2017_ Risk factors for adverse outcomes in older adults with blunt chest trauma a SR

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Green et al 2015 Peds sports injury-page-001.jpg

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Sowers et al 2015 age of blood SR-page-001.jpg

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Alcohol is a risk factor for helmet non-use and fatalities in off-road vehicle and motorcycle crashes (2024)

Epidemiology and factors associated with mortality among pediatric major
trauma patients in Nova Scotia: A 17-year retrospective analysis (2024)

Pre‑hospital mortality among pediatric trauma patients in Nova Scotia (2024)

Effect of trauma quality improvement initiatives on outcomes and costs at
community hospitals: A scoping review (2024)

Trauma team leadership in Canada: present and future (2023)

Communicating key information in trauma: it's time to gain the advantage we need (2023)

Do patient outcomes differ when the trauma team leader is a surgeon or non-surgeon? A multicentre cohort study (2023)

A personalized medicine approach is warranted for optimal prehospital fluid resuscitation in the severely injured adult trauma patient (2023)

Injury outcomes across Canadian trauma systems: a national cohort study (2023)

Just the facts: seizure prophylaxis post‑traumatic brain injury (TBI)
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